
The Genwell Blog

Words of advice, first-person stories, and thoughtful discussions about the latest research and legislative developments affecting transgender and non-binary people!

The GenWell Blog

Words of advice, first-person stories, and thoughtful discussions about the latest research and legislative developments affecting transgender and non-binary people.!

For Good: A Monthly Night of Show Tunes to Save the World

A group of local musicians, and other creatives, come together to provide a cabaret-stye ensemble performance each month at El Cid in Silverlake. The money the group raises in ticket sales is donated...this month, Monday, May 13th, to Gender Wellness of Los Angeles (GWLA). Director Casey Weitzman, M.A., L.M.F.T. will, in turn, direct 100% of the proceeds towards one or more of GWLA's transgender clients...

Transgender and Gender-Fluid Clients: What Therapists Need to Know

Transgender and Gender-Fluid Clients: What Therapists Need to Know is a timely workshop, brought to you by Gender Wellness of Los Angeles and The Insight Center. It will offer therapists — of all disciplines — the knowledge that they may use to provide effective support, guidance, sensitivity, and information to transgender / gender-fluid / gender-nonbinary clients, their family, friends and co-workers.

For Good: A Monthly Night of Show Tunes to Save the World

A group of local musicians, and other creatives, come together to provide a cabaret-stye ensemble performance each month at El Cid in Silverlake. The money the group raises in ticket sales is donated...this month, Monday, May 13th, to Gender Wellness of Los Angeles (GWLA). Director Casey Weitzman, M.A., L.M.F.T. will, in turn, direct 100% of the proceeds towards one or more of GWLA's transgender clients...

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