Organizations that Connect: Gender Spectrum

Organizations that Connect: Gender Spectrum


Organizations that Connect: Gender SpectrumParenting a child who grapples with issues of gender identity is a long, difficult journey, and not one that any parent would choose. If that includes you and your family, we recommend that you consider connecting with people who are charting the same course, so to speak. As vital as the care is that you may receive from individual mental health practitioners (Gender Wellness of Los Angeles included), it’s important for you and your child to know — and feel — that you’re not alone.

Gender Spectrum is a great place to start. It works to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens via professional development and training for educators while it organizes in-person/online groups and programs, for parents and children alike. Gender Spectrum is a non-profit based in San Leandro, CA — truly amazing in its breadth and width of support. Gender Wellness of Los Angeles donates to the organization regularly, and we emphatically vouch for its efficacy.


While the purpose of our content here is on ways to connect with peers (virtually and otherwise), there’s a couple of pages on, that are — especially — worthwhile reading for parents who’ve recently become aware of gender identity questions/concerns related to a child.

Understanding Gender
Understandings of gender continually evolve. In the course of a person’s life, the interests, activities, clothing and professions that are considered the domain of one gender or another evolve in ways both small and large.

Parenting Your Gender Expansive Child
The risks for parents of gender expansive children can be alarming, but you do not need to parent from a place of fear. Supportive parenting can have a significant, positive effect on your child’s outlook, mental health and self-esteem.

SPECTRUM CONNECTS included Gender Spectrum in their rankings for The 5 Best Online Transgender Support Groups of 2021 as “Best for Teens and Their Parents.”

National Parent Support Group
The National Parent Support Group is a live online/call-in peer group where parents can support each other and find helpful information on their journey of raising transgender, non-binary or otherwise gender-expansive children and teens. It is facilitated by Gender Spectrum, and you can join occasionally or regularly. You can participate by phone, chat or online video.

The Lounge
The Lounge is a space for teens, parents, and professionals to connect with one another. Members can form their own groups and participate in our broader online community. Meet new people and connect with friends and colleagues online.

See how support from parents, caregivers and family members gives children the freedom to be who they are — lots of first-person video content here.

Topic-based Discussion Groups for Parents and Other Adult Family Members
Gender Spectrum’s topic-based groups connect you with other parents, caregivers and adult family members who share your specific concerns around gender, children and teens. The groups are facilitated by Gender Spectrum and/or volunteer facilitators trained by our staff, and you can join occasionally or regularly. You can participate by phone, chat or online video. Some of their past topics have included: Creating Trust with Your Teen; Self Care for Parents and Caregivers; Preparing for the Holidays; Gender and Race: A Group for Parents of Color Raising Gender-Diverse Children; Grandparents Group, and many more. At the time of this posting, it appears this links to Discussion Group for Asian and Pacific Islander Parents, Relatives, and Caregivers Raising Gender Diverse Children and Teens.

Grupo de padres en Español (Spanish Language Parent Support Group)
Este grupo en el “Lounge,” de la comunidad en línea de Gender Spectrum, será de gran ayuda para adultos de habla hispana y que se encuentran lidiando con el constante desarrollo de la identidad de género de un menor o adolescente en sus vidas. Adicionalmente al grupo del Lounge, en el cual los padres pueden conocer a otros padres por medio de mensajes que escriban en línea, este grupo también cuenta con la posibilidad de unirse al grupo de apoyo vía telefónica de Gender Spectrum el cual, se lleva a cabo mediante una conferencia telefónica en español una vez al mes. Las instrucciones de cómo unirse a las llamadas podrán encontrarlas en el Grupo Lounge para padres en español. Si desea unirse al grupo de apoyo mediante llamada mensual, o si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contáctenos a

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