The Benefits of Therapy for Young Children

The Benefits of Therapy for Young Children

Discover how therapy can be incredibly beneficial helping kids navigate their emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
August 22, 2024 | BY GENWELL STAFF

Discover how therapy can be incredibly beneficial helping kids navigate their emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
August 22, 2024 | BY GENWELL STAFF

Children Playing

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Therapy for young children might sound surprising to some, but it can be an incredibly beneficial tool for helping kids navigate their emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Let’s break down why therapy for kids is not only appropriate but often essential for their well-being.

Why is Therapy for Kids Appropriate?

Many parents wonder if therapy is suitable for their children, especially when they’re so young. The answer is a resounding YES! Therapy can be a crucial resource for children dealing with a wide range of setbacks—from anxiety and behavioral problems, to coping with trauma or significant life changes. Research shows that early intervention through therapy can have long-lasting positive effects on a child’s emotional and psychological development ​(Southern Poverty Law Center).

What Does Therapy for Children Look Like?

Children’s therapy doesn’t always resemble the traditional image of therapy that we see on TV. Instead, it’s often tailored to the child’s age, developmental stage, and specific needs. For instance, while older children might benefit from talk therapy, younger children often engage in play therapy, art therapy, or other creative methods that allow them to express their thoughts and emotions in a way that feels natural to them. These customized approaches help therapists understand the child’s inner world, and provide them with the tools they need to thrive ​(Southern Poverty Law Center).

Examples of games a therapist might utilize with a child during therapy

How Long Does a Session Last?

Therapy sessions for children are highly individualized. The length of a session can vary depending on the child’s age, attention span, and therapeutic needs. Sessions might last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The goal is to keep the child engaged and ensure that the therapy is effective without overwhelming them.

Why Choose Therapy for Your Child?

Choosing therapy for your child is a proactive step toward supporting their mental and emotional health. Whether your child is dealing with specific challenges, or you’re simply looking to give them additional support; therapy can offer them a safe space to explore their feelings and learn valuable coping skills. The benefits of therapy extend beyond the sessions, equipping children with the resilience and emotional intelligence they’ll carry into adulthood​ (Southern Poverty Law Center).

If you’re considering therapy for your child, know that you’re giving them an invaluable gift—one that will help them navigate life’s challenges with confidence and self-awareness for years to come.

At GenWell, our talented clinician Drew Hirschinger, LMFT, specializes in working with young children, offering tailored therapy sessions for kids as young as 3 years old. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Drew, submit a request on our Contact page today!

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Take good care,
~The GenWell Staff

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